Top oil firms spending millions lobbying to block climate change policies
Ad campaigns hide investment in a huge expansion of oil and gas extraction, says InfluenceMap. The Guardian
Ad campaigns hide investment in a huge expansion of oil and gas extraction, says InfluenceMap. The Guardian
It was a stark display of the alarm of a generation. It was also a glimpse of the anger directed at older people who have not, in the protesters’ view, taken global warming seriously enough. New York Times
Global warming is no parable. Far from being a problem only for future generations, it is wreaking havoc now. The Economist
This webpage offers comprehensive, interactive plots, factsheets and data download options for atmospheric surface concentrations of 43 greenhouse gases and 3 equivalent gas time series from 2000 years ago to the year 2500. University of Melbourne
As battle lines harden between climate advocates and deniers, both are increasingly using bouts of extreme weather as a weapon to try to win people to their side. New York Times
The ambitious plan has had a rocky start, but it has also changed the national conversation. That alone is reason to applaud it. New York Times
Volkswagen, a carmaker, told its 40,000 suppliers to cut emissions or risk losing its custom. Plenty of investors, meanwhile, say they are worried about being saddled with worthless stakes in coal-fired power plants if carbon taxes eventually bite. The Economist
If you’ve heard a lot recently about the Green New Deal but still aren’t quite sure what it is, you are not alone. After all, it has been trumpeted by its supporters as the way to avoid planetary destruction, and vilified by opponents as a socialist plot to take away your ice cream. New York Times
The goals of the far-reaching plan to tackle climate change and economic inequality are within the realm of technological possibility, several energy experts and economists said in recent interviews. New York Times
Panic might seem counterproductive, but we’re at a point where alarmism and catastrophic thinking are valuable, for several reasons. New York Times
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