Energy, Climate, New Economic Thinking​

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Welcome to my website

My website is inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian polymath of the Renaissance. He opened new ways of thinking and sketched many inventions hundreds of years ahead of their time.

My profile and my activities aim at reminding of this incredibly creative and forward-looking mindset. Please feel encouraged to contact me for exchanging views and experiences.

My presence on X (Twitter)

The contents in my X (Twitter) account @SPSchleicher point to my research interests.

My messages in videos

Strategies for a sustainable future
WWWfor Europe Lecture Series


My profile

I obtained my academic degrees from the University of Technology in Graz and the University of Vienna. I held academic positions at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, the University of Bonn, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and Stanford University.

My research focuses on economic modeling and economic policy issues with special emphasis on sustainable structures in the context of energy and climate.

My current research activities involve the transition of our economies to high resource-efficient and low-carbon structures, monitoring and analyzing all installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading System, and the evidence of the impact and conflicts of the 2020 and 2030 targets for EU energy and climate policy.

My cooperations

Stefan P. Schleicher

Professor at the Wegener Center on Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz, Austria, and consultant to the Austrian Institute of Economic Research in Vienna.


My contacts

Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz

Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO)
