Energy, Climate, New Economic Thinking​

Day: February 28, 2019

China might have funded the Crispr baby experiment it distanced itself from

When news broke late last year that Chinese scientist He Jiankui might have created genetically-edited twins, he quickly drew the condemnation of scientists globally. An investigation, published by the Boston-based health and medicine-focused news outlet STAT, suggests three government institutions, including the country’s science ministry, may have funded He’s research. QUARTZ

The story of China’s economy as told through the world’s biggest building

The Global Centre—the tale of its construction, its occupants and its evolution is neither a spectacular success nor a catastrophic failure but a long economic struggle, a contest between China’s tremendous potential and the cracks in its foundations. America is only a secondary player in the drama. China, for better and for worse, is writing its own story. The Economist