We Went to the Moon. Why Can’t We Solve Climate Change?
The original moon shoot inspired billions. Calling climate action a moon shot isn’t a perfect parallel — but maybe we should try it anyway. New York Times
The original moon shoot inspired billions. Calling climate action a moon shot isn’t a perfect parallel — but maybe we should try it anyway. New York Times
Twenty percent of the global oil supply flows through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow stretch of water that separates Persian Gulf countries like Iran, Iraq and Kuwait from the rest of the world. From May 15 to June 15, more than 1,000 tanker ships traveled the strait. Many were destined for places as far away as China and South Korea. New York Times
Crowd estimates for Hong Kong’s large pro-democracy protests have been a point of contention for years. But for the first time in the march’s history, a group of researchers combined artificial intelligence and manual counting techniques to estimate the size of the crowd. New York Times
The term “modern monetary theory” has been talked about so much lately that we mainstream economists need to try to understand it. New York Times
The Persian Gulf crisis has not ignited a major price spike, thanks to growing oil production in the U.S. and a slowing in overall demand. New York Times
America’s coal-burning power plants are shutting down at a rapid pace, forcing electric utilities to face the next big climate question: Embrace natural gas, or shift aggressively to renewable energy? New York Times
Indonesia has promised to stop clearing jungle for plantations. So why are endangered apes still on the front lines of the conservation battle? New York Times
A better way to edit DNA and a Russian scientist announces plans to make more designer babies. The Economist
By Jonathan Aldred. Modern economics, the author argues, dismisses ethics in favour of a narrow focus on self-interest. “The argument that both parties to a voluntary transaction must be better off, otherwise it wouldn’t take place,” he writes, “is used to wash away all considerations of justice, fairness, responsibility, exploitation and so on.” The Economist
The skinny waterway, the gateway for a third of all crude oil by tanker, has become a security risk that could threaten the oil market. New York Times
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