Energy, Climate, New Economic Thinking​

Category: Emerging Technologies

The Privacy Project

Companies and governments are gaining new powers to follow people across the internet and around the world, and even to peer into their genomes. The benefits of such advances have been apparent for years; the costs — in anonymity, even autonomy — are now becoming clearer. New York Times

Modern Monetary Theory Finds an Embrace in an Unexpected Place: Wall Street

M.M.T., as it’s known, is attracting a conspicuous number of fans in an unexpected place: Wall Street. Money managers, chief executives and business analysts maintain that the approach offers several important and overlooked insights, and far from finding it fanciful or deranged. New York Times

China might have funded the Crispr baby experiment it distanced itself from

When news broke late last year that Chinese scientist He Jiankui might have created genetically-edited twins, he quickly drew the condemnation of scientists globally. An investigation, published by the Boston-based health and medicine-focused news outlet STAT, suggests three government institutions, including the country’s science ministry, may have funded He’s research. QUARTZ

Dispelling the Myths of China’s EV Market

It’s too soon to call a peak on traditional vehicles, but the potential for overall growth is in question. And just how much of that growth will be electric? Bloomberg